The Country Girl® Blog

Summer Country Music Festivals By: Lyndsay Surkosky
Summer is right around the corner… is there anything better than going to a country concert in the summer? The warm sun and the summer breeze with the sounds of country music. Summer music festivals provide a unique experience to...
Zach Bryan Concert - State College, PA By: Lyndsay Surkosky
* Photo credit: Jackson Ranger. All rights reserved. Music has a unique power to express culture and create lasting memories. Recently, I had the privilege to attend a Zach Bryan concert in my college town. It was such an unforgettable...
Styling a Graphic Tee Shirt
In fashion, there is a timeless appeal to the rustic charm of country inspired clothing. Whether you are a born and raised country girl or just admire the laid back look from a graphic tee from Country Girl. These graphics...
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